Monday 5 January 2009


In the beginning of the opening sequences parts of computers are brought up onto screen in black and white colour. This gives the emphasis of a horror movie because of the dark colours used and the music used in the background. The computer parts also correlate with the film title ‘Feardotcom’ as it is an internet website.
The images of the computer parts are superimposed over each other and are fussy on screen giving an eary feel to the title sequence. The parts of the computers are easy to notice, and are used to help us understand what the film is going to be about.
The title ‘FearDotCom’ pans across the bottom of the screen in white writing and it uses a plain black background to give contrast. The title then fades off while the next scene appears on screen.
The sound in the title sequence builds up through the scene, using drums and drones of sound. The non digetic sound is eary and sets a sinister mood for the following scene. The font used for the title sequence is long a jagged helping the audience with the feeling of Thriller.
The sound then fades out from the title sequence and is replaced with the sound of thunder and rain. This is done to take you out of the build up and put you straight the scene with the old man and makes you feel alone and aware of what is going on screen. Digetic sound is used all the way through the rest of the opening sequence as it is what we can hear but also what the character would be able to hear, i.e. the rain and lightening.

The first scene flashes onto the screen with a bright light but it then drastically changes to darkness. During the whole scene of the opening sequence darkness is used the give the eary and sinister mood of the film. An old man is walking down the stairs to what looks like an abandoned train station. The old man is very tense and looks to be scared of something as he is dripping with sweat. By using the darkness all the way through the scene it makes you unaware of what else is on the screen or what is following the old man. By using darkness it helps makes the audience tense of what may appear on screen because both the characters and audience are not able to see what is on set.
The rain used is typical throughout the opening sequence is typical for a Thriller which helps the audience with the genre of the film and making the scene cold and wet.
The lightening used helps give brief glimpses of what is actually on screen and creates tension as it is allowing us to see what is hidden on screen and the rain make is wet and damp setting the mood of a thriller. The slight glimpses of light also helps us see the expression on the old mans face, he looks very scared and distressed not knowing where he is or what is going on around him.

The camerawork used throughout the opening sequence of ‘Feardotcom’ is not complexed but at the same time not simple. The camera moves about a lot giving action to the scene. The busy camerawork used makes us want to concentrate more on what is going on because of the dark lighting aswell.
The opening sequence after the title sequence is a close up of someone’s feet and then tilts up to a close up of and old mans face, his nose is bleeding but we never find out why and he look in shock and seem upset about something (maybe the place he is in?).
By using a close up it makes the audience feel trapped and unaware of what is going on in the environment giving the audience a similar feeling of walking into the darkness. When he reaches half way down the stairs the camera shot changes to point of view and another man walks past him in abit of a rush and looking in fear but we still don’t know where the stairs are leading to. As the man starts walking down the stairs there is a low angle shot which is usually used to make the people look powerful but from the look on his face he seem to be very stressed and doesn’t look to be in control of anything. When man reaches the bottom of the stairs and there is a high angle shot, now making him look vulnerable the high angle shot is of him stood in the middle of a large space which looks like an abandoned train station, with abit of a gothic design. The light fittings used have very dim lights placed in them and there are shop designs along the wall which looks like there were shops once replacing what is now smashed window and boarded up doors.
The grey and cold hard feel of the surfaces enhance the atmosphere making it eary. He drops his glasses and looks very confused, lost and worried with panic about were he is. The atmosphere of the underground gives the idea that he shouldn’t be there and creates more tension and suspicion on the opening sequence.
A point of view shot is used as the old man makes his way towards the platform giving the audience the feeling that it is them walking towards the platform.
A strange looking white ball passes by him while he is stood at the edge of the platform which is out of place and as soon as the white ball lands on the rail tracks a little girl dressed in a white dress and pumps with blonde/white hair follows the ball onto the tracks. It looks as though a ghost has appears on screen.

In the opening sequence of Feardotcom is not recognizable as a Crime thriller but we can tell by the lighting, sound and mise en scene used that it is a Thriller. In addition the young girl with the white hair and wearing a white dress bouncing the white ball looks like she will be playing a significant part in the film.

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