Tuesday 4 May 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We decided to cast an older male to be the kidnapper. This would help the film broaden its appeal to a range of audiences. The actor we casted as the kidnapper also had an interest in drama and had experience in the field and therefore was passionate about what he was doing.

We felt the role of the kidnapper should be a very depressed young man who felt alone. When thinking of which particular social group our media product would represent, a character from another film with similarities to the kidnapper was Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

They both seem to be very upset, aggressive and depressed characters and both endure in disturbing behaviour. However the character we have used in our media product is a lot younger than the character in The Shining and what they both do it very different. Our character doesn’t seem to have any family whereas Jack Nicholson is with his family. They do both however wear very scruffy clothing and don’t look like they have washed in along time

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