Wednesday, 4 March 2009


After the first draft deadline we then showed our opening sequence to the rest of the class. We gave them each a sheet and asked them to comment on both the good and bad things that made our film. From this we could recognise our strengths and try input these back into the weak parts of our sequence.

The strongest part of our film was definitly the flash backs that were recognised by all the clas. Many also commented on the editing techniques and how they worked well in creating atmosphere and tesnion.

However many also commented on the first part of the sequence in which the news reporter is summarising what has happened. Although they said it helped explain the storyline the sound was unclear and had unwanted noises in the background. they also criticised the reaslism of the news reporter. From this we went away and researched different news prgrammes to see what it was we needed to do to make them look more realistic. We found that along the bottom of the screen there were other news bulletins and when talking a corresponding picture would appear on the side of them. We took these ideas and i then incorporated them into our report.

We also made other changes to the sequence and then showed it to friends aged on average of 17 as this is our intended target aduience.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


The opening sequence starts off with a live news report explaining the recent kidnappings. This helps to evaluate the story so far to the viewers so it was clear and easy for the audience to understand the rest of the clips.

We then fade to a black out and the camera fades back to a long shot of a wall, of which is covered in newspapers all featuring the kidnaps. A series of super imposed shots then appear on screen which close ups of the previous news stories.

The camera then fades out to another long shot of a hooded man staring at the paper covered wall. He is tense and still apart from some slight movement of him touching / admiring the papers. This is done to introduce the audience to the kidnapper who is one of the main characters in out film.The camera zooms in to the back of his head and snaps to a series of flashbacks. These are made up of both the kidnapper running through a wood and different children he has kidnapped.

During the past 2 scenes backing music will be played.The camera then blacks out again taking us in the title sequence. This is made up newspaper articles in which our names are edited into. The camera pans across the appropriate article, then freezes and the name will fade to red. This will be repeated for all four group members (Caroline Lauren Natalie and Robyn)
The sequence finished with an extreme close up of the kidnapper’s eyes and a voice over is in the background. (This will consist of a few line read by the kidnapper)

Risk Assessment

Above is a copy of my risk assesment sheet. I did the risk assesment to ensure each of our locations were as safe as possible. We gave all possible situations a mark out of 5, including acts of God.


Below is a copy of our scripts -

Scene 1;

Fade to female news reporter who is reading about the latest kidnapping.
This will be filmed whilst being played back on t.v

News Reporter

Good evening, I am Penny Hartley and this is your evening news.
Another girl is missing in the Yorkshire are, making this the fifth
disappearance of young children in the last 2 months
Nobody can certify who is responsible for these disturbing
disappearances and police have said they feel there is an obvious
link between all five kidnaps.
We now go over to John, our correspondent in Otley where the latest
kidnap took place.

Camera fades to black

Scene 5;

Extreme close up of the kidnappers eyes. Script is read as a voice over.


The look in their eyes, I can feel the fear.
I just cant help myself. Im loosing control......(laugh)

When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
down will come baby cradle and all.

Camera fades to black